Moxie supports ANSI color output during builds. Color output can be activated either by setting the MX_COLOR
enviroment variable or by specifying a command-line parameter.
ant -Dmx.color=true mytarget
moxie -color mytarget
By default, Windows Command Prompt does not support ANSI color but with a little help from ansicon (download), a nifty little tool, you can make Windows Command Prompt (and Console2, etc) support ANSI escape sequences.
This is the palette I use in Console 2, Gnome-Terminal, and iTerm (download).
I set the background of the terminal to black.
#2e3436 rgb(46, 52, 54) |
#cb0000 rgb(204, 0, 0) |
#4d9905 rgb(78, 154, 6) |
#c39f00 rgb(196, 160, 0) |
#3364a3 rgb(52, 101, 164) |
#744f7a rgb(117, 80, 123) |
#059799 rgb(6, 152, 154) |
#d2d6ce rgb(211, 215, 207) |
#545652 rgb(85,87,83) |
#ee2828 rgb(239, 41, 41) |
#89e133 rgb(138, 226, 52) |
#fbe84e rgb(252, 233, 79) |
#719ece rgb(114, 159, 207) |
#ac7ea7 rgb(173, 127, 168) |
#33e1e1 rgb(52, 226, 226) |
#ededeb rgb(238, 238, 236) |
Moxie supports verbose output during builds.
ant -Dmx.verbose=true mytarget
moxie -verbose mytarget
Moxie supports debug output during builds.
ant -Dmx.debug=true mytarget
moxie -debug mytarget
Moxie supports disabling automatic network retrieval.
ant mytarget
moxie -offline mytarget
Moxie supports disabling SHA1 checksum verification.
ant -Dmx.enforceChecksums=false mytarget
moxie -ignoreCheckums mytarget
Moxie supports forcing metadata updates.
ant -Dmx.updateMetadata=true mytarget
moxie -updateMetadata mytarget
By default, your Moxie root directory is ~/.moxie. This can be changed by passing a command-line parameter.
ant -Dmx.root=/path/to/dir mytarget
moxie -Dmx.root=/path/to/dir mytarget