Tips and Tricks

Colored Output

Moxie supports ANSI color output during builds. Color output can be activated either by setting the MX_COLOR enviroment variable or by specifying a command-line parameter.

ant -Dmx.color=true mytarget
moxie -color mytarget


By default, Windows Command Prompt does not support ANSI color but with a little help from ansicon (download), a nifty little tool, you can make Windows Command Prompt (and Console2, etc) support ANSI escape sequences.

A Nice Palette

This is the palette I use in Console 2, Gnome-Terminal, and iTerm (download).

I set the background of the terminal to black.

rgb(46, 52, 54)
rgb(204, 0, 0)
rgb(78, 154, 6)
rgb(196, 160, 0)
rgb(52, 101, 164)
rgb(117, 80, 123)
rgb(6, 152, 154)
rgb(211, 215, 207)
rgb(239, 41, 41)
rgb(138, 226, 52)
rgb(252, 233, 79)
rgb(114, 159, 207)
rgb(173, 127, 168)
rgb(52, 226, 226)
rgb(238, 238, 236)

Verbose Output

Moxie supports verbose output during builds.

ant -Dmx.verbose=true mytarget
moxie -verbose mytarget

Debug Output

Moxie supports debug output during builds.

ant -Dmx.debug=true mytarget
moxie -debug mytarget

Working Offline

Moxie supports disabling automatic network retrieval.

ant mytarget
moxie -offline mytarget

Disabling Checksum Verification

Moxie supports disabling SHA1 checksum verification.

ant -Dmx.enforceChecksums=false mytarget
moxie -ignoreCheckums mytarget

Forcing Metadata Updates

Moxie supports forcing metadata updates.

ant -Dmx.updateMetadata=true mytarget
moxie -updateMetadata mytarget

Relocating the Moxie Root Directory

By default, your Moxie root directory is ~/.moxie. This can be changed by passing a command-line parameter.

ant -Dmx.root=/path/to/dir mytarget
moxie -Dmx.root=/path/to/dir mytarget